1. Hayden Williams: Fashion Illustrator
This chap is one of my Instagram discoveries and I am so delighted to have found him. His illustrations are very cool.
Guess who??
He also has pretty cool pictures of Jennifer Lopez and the Olsens twins.
All his stuff is up on Tumblr and it's well worth looking through because he does some pretty cool things with Disney Princesses and villains too.
2. New Girl Season 2
I love you Schmidt.
3. Pixiwoo
I did a little post a while ago about beauty blogs that I love but I have also been getting really into makeup tutorials too. Particularly those of sisters Nic and Sam Chapman of Pixiwoo.
Here are a small collection of my favourites...
This one is for Eva Green and she actually ends up properly looking like her!
They are coincidentally all from the Bond Girl series they did.
I only started watching the videos after buying the Real Techniques brushes (go buy them now, they're available in Boots for the Galwegians!) and I have already learned so much! Also, now that Halloween is fast approaching they are going some Halloween inspired makeup. Well worth a watch.
Cheers for reading,